Tuesday, November 17, 2009

~tHe sTarT 0f s0meThiNg NeW~

bAbbLinG bY nAmeLeSs
ok guys, this is my third blog so far... :p the rest have been deleted due to certain circumstances..
(konon cam ada secret stalker la kan... )

anyway, as far as u concern, my previous blogs are all in private and confidential.. more like a diary style.. this is my first 'open' blog.. oh ya! still got one blog remains.... and it's a diary style as well~
just hoping that this blog can give me some ideas (which i dun even have any, before!) on creating the words to share my thought, my opinion n probably my feelings? on something more general...

(tiba2 plak kan aku support blogger dgn semangatnya)


~WELCOME korang~
to my first public blog

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