Thursday, December 24, 2009

s0-caLLed a rEsoLutiOns

bAbbLinG bY nAmeLeSs
2009 resolution?

~i can't recall! means, i don't have any kot?~ also means that my resolution has not been fulfill yet.. pathetic! :D

2010 resolution?

- trying my best in my final semester.. (azam yang membosankan tp diingini oleh seluruh umat manusia bergelar student kan? jadi, jangan nak mengutuk azam murni ini! :p)

- grab any job offer (of course, after i've sent my resume which i don't even write it yet! sungguh slow kamu ini, zira)

- dating? :D (I AM SINGLE, there's nothing wrong with this wish.. :P)

- bayar segala hutang piutang kepada ayahanda tercinta yang telah mendidik dan mengajar diri ini sehingga ke tahap yang 'besar' ini! (sure my dad will have a tears when he reads this)

- carry on with my life and appreciate every moment that i will spend with family, friends and YOU... =)

(pray, to reach the goals)
that's it for now... see yah later~

2 rEveRsE bAbbLinG =) on "s0-caLLed a rEsoLutiOns"

enigma_kyoko said...

aku plg suke part dating tu..semoge cpt jumpe jodoh..!!! (ckp org..aku ni ntah bile) hahaha lek la.. ;pp

n part last aku suke gak..appreciate every moment dat u spend wit ME..!!

nAmeLeSs on January 7, 2010 at 12:58 AM said...

OMG, silap besar ah ko komen yg 'every moment with .....' (fill in the blank)

nk dating... nk ajk sape ni?? hahaha~~~~~


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