Sunday, January 17, 2010

0ld d0gS

bAbbLinG bY nAmeLeSs

tak payah fikir panjang, tak payah baca blog aku sekarang (tapi nanti baca tau! :p), pergi cari cinema terdekat dan tengok cerita ni! memang gelak sampai menangis air mata cam hingus ah~
keseronokan yang tidak dapat digambarkan. especially when u just checked your bank account and it's filled with your jpa scholar okay.. cannot resist the temptation of movies. (we're heading to red box in two days time.. OMG~)
anyways! back to the movie.. :D
it is so hilarious! seriously! everything is funny.. even the story line is not something new or fresh, but still a lots of fun.. the two main characters are really well known, they're such a great actor which can play a good "grandfather" character. :D.. korang! go to the cinema now please.. it's a 5 stars rating... (for the very first time i'm giving in a 5 stars rating.. so? apa tunggu lagi? :p)
well actually, it is MY opinion that i'm telling you how hilarious this movie is. maybe because my scholarship fills up my account, or maybe i'm so happy that my 2 weeks clinical is ended, or maybe i'm way too excited to have a class on saturday! (i watched this movie on friday, right after jpa masuk... tahniah nameless~). that's why i'm enjoying the movie so much. u might think it is not worth it to be rated 5 stars, we're different kan.. :D
so, my advise, pergi tengok sekarang, terima kasih~ =)

0 rEveRsE bAbbLinG =) on "0ld d0gS"


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