Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's c0miNg t0 y0u.. aGaiN

bAbbLinG bY nAmeLeSs
kawan2, oleh kerana teknologi semakin canggih, pilihanraya kampus pun taknak kalah. calon2 pilihanraya kampus di"promosi"kan pakai FACEBOOK! siap main tagged2 gambar lagi you! auchhh!!

first of all, i am totally not a person who will care about the "party" to be voted. I care bout the person i will vote.

secondly - please imagine. with just a picture of them, how could i know if they're a good candidate? i don't even hear their speech, manifesto bagai. pandai pula kita nk menilik muka orang? i am not gifted that way~

thirdly - stop sending messages. annoying~

finally - forgive me, i don't even know who the candidates are, which party they're belong to, what kind of changes they will make and what ever matters that I should know, but i don't... thus,

I'M VOTING RANDOMLY TOMORROW. hahahaha~ maafkan saya wahai pelajar2 sem depan. :D
(undi adalah rahsia kan... minta maaf, terbuat pendedahan pula kat blog.. :D)

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