Friday, January 1, 2010

LaSt sEmeSteR bReaK

bAbbLinG bY nAmeLeSs
kawan2! hari ini hari pertama dalam tahun 2010 ok? dan cuti, sudah tentu... and I'm home! Gosh! Told you before, my life is dull~ (tiba2)

ok, yesterday I went to Johnny's with my schoolmates (sebab berangan nak makan steamboat tomyam yang lazat tidak terperi, sekali dah habis. datang pukul 10 malam kan, rasa sangat kecewa!). enjoying the last day of 2009 (no countdown ya sebab balik rumah before 12~).

But, this post is not about my revision on what happened in 2009, NOPE~ what I'm trying to say is the precious moment of this semester break, hang out with schoolmates all days long, karaoke, movies and makan! :p

this semester break is my last semester break. I'm entering the final semester of my study and, ada rezeki lepas habis belajar, I'm working. that's for sure. I'm hoping that, even though I am working, I still have plenty of times to be spend with them. and also, i'm planning to have a regular reunion with my coursemates. yalah, after graduating, still want to keep in touch with them as well kan! definitely!

so, what is "working life" looks like? I have no idea. Some might say that daily working days have "no life". Please don't~ :(
well, even so, I'm still looking forward for my final semester.. Wishing all of you a very good luck ok.. =)

happy new year guys~

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